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Being one of the "programmers", and also a programmer, I can explain it to you in simple terms.
One doesn't need even a computer to write a program on an algorithmic language, only a manual is needed.
In case the "programmers" have experience with several different digital accordion models and a developed system of programmed sounds, converting to a new model is not a rocket science. You'll be surprised, but published Korg manual could be enough to understand how.
The quotation marks are just for that reason - it’s all in the manuals and within reach of the end user. No programming takes place, just manipulation of what is already there. Aren’t those called “user programs” and “user scenes” by the manufacturers anyways? 😀
I don’t know about you, but I’d welcome the dealer’s opening the carton and checking out the accordion before telling me to come pick it up, assuming the dealer knows what to look for and how to fix a defect that’s minor. I’d also trust a dealer to send an instrument back to the distributor if there was something seriously wrong, even if it kept the customer waiting.

I know of one instance in which an accordion arrived at the dealer and the carton was in such terrible shape that the dealer sent it back without even opening it. Then the dealer told the customer what happened and the customer was very happy that the dealer returned the instrument even though there would have been a six week wait for another one.

Suppose you had a dealer order an acoustic accordion from Italy. Suppose that dealer was also an accordion repairman or had a repairman on staff. Wouldn’t you be happy to know that the dealer had the training to check the instrument out before delivering it to you?

Perhaps digital accordions aren’t subject to the kind of shipping damage that’s possible with acoustic accordions, but sometimes they also arrive at the dealer with problems, or are even DOA.

I’m sure that the dealers who install additional sounds also check out the instrument for defects, or their work would be in vain. Also, the two you alluded to are still working accordionists who probably put a lot of time and effort into their sounds and sets but aren’t relying on the proceeds of selling those sets to finance their retirements.
If I was to buy a brand new, expensive instrument... I'd want to be the first one to unbox it.

Presumably the dealer will have to open it up and load the "programs" so that the accordion comes pre-ruin.. err, pre-loaded with them, to be pompously called "Edition".

I prefer to think that a whole team of technical, and music professionals at Korg, would do a better job of creating the initial sets than some senior citizen north American dudes who want to support their retirement lifestyles with tinkering.
If I ever buy another accordion, I’d want my dealer to open the carton and check the accordion out, whether the dealer also installs sounds or not.
Yeah, not the direction I would have preferred this to go. I received my AARP card at 50 and wasn't too happy with it. Mid-50s now and creeping up on that Senior Citizen label and I don't think your comment came across how you meant it. Hopefully.

There are a few professionals that sell sound sets for my Montage M8x. Super complex stuff - most concentrate on the deep AN-X analog or FM synthesis engines that are no fun to program. I've considered purchasing some of them because that stuff is was out of my knowledge area.

This stuff is pretty simple, however. But it wasn't always that way. I will tell you that I would bet Richard Noel spent over a hundred hours on that tiny screen editing every sound, moving them to sound banks, matching them to appropriate bass sections, etc. He is also a fantastic accordionist. It's been awhile since I've watched any of his videos but I've never seen him reference a piece of music, he plays any song flawlessly, and I would say he has a four or five hour repertoire without using any music. He's probably got 10-15 years on me and I'll never be that good of an accordionist. I believe somebody told me once he's a retired Doctor or Dentist, plays hundreds of gigs a year and doesn't need this money. He put those sets together because from his multiple gigs he understood how poor the factory sounds and sets were. He gave them to a few people, everybody wanted them and he sold them. This is all prior to the editor. It's unkind to think he's some kind of grifter or ancient out of touch senior. Anything but.

At any rate, I'd like to revisit the price of this machine. I thought it wasn't going to cost anywhere near $8000? It's $8K US everywhere I've looked. Maybe that's just the MSRP prior to actual release, but right now you're looking at around nine grand with taxes and shipping. Ouch!

I think the Korg will be fine out of the box. Luigi's videos don't seem to be rigged in any special way and sound great to me. And for those that want the value add of additional sound sets, perceived or not, good for them.
So are we saying that you can just get any Roland digital accordion sound set on a usb stick and just plug it into the Korg Fisa ....The Korg Fisa will read the stick accept it and you can Play ????.................that is a surprise .........................you certainly cannot do this with most electronic arranger type keyboards unless they have a conversion software program already installed. the only keyboard that I know of that can do this is the Wersi brand of electronic organ ..........................I will only believe it if I see it !! All very interesting ?
So are we saying that you can just get any Roland digital accordion sound set on a usb stick and just plug it into the Korg Fisa ....The Korg Fisa will read the stick accept it and you can Play ????.................that is a surprise
Who is that "we" that is supposed to have said that? I have no idea what particular posting would have made you think anything even close to that, so you might want to quote what you are referring to here.
Who is that "we" that is supposed to have said that? I have no idea what particular posting would have made you think anything even close to that, so you might want to quote what you are referring to here.
I will remove the word We ! to stop any confusion .
What I'm trying to say is "Will A Roland Brand / Noel /Mathis /sound set which is actually still really a Roland original sound set but with changes made and saved ........and is in the Roland software format . Can the korg fisa actually read the Roland Software format

That is my question .
I will remove the word We ! to stop any confusion .
What I'm trying to say is "Will A Roland Brand / Noel /Mathis /sound set which is actually still really a Roland original sound set but with changes made and saved ........and is in the Roland software format . Can the korg fisa actually read the Roland Software format

That is my question .
That would be so much out of the ordinary (and requiring extensive resolution of legal questions before or after the fact) that I repeat my request to please quote whatever in this discussion made you think that.
That would be so much out of the ordinary (and requiring extensive resolution of legal questions before or after the fact) that I repeat my request to please quote whatever in this discussion made you think that.
thank you for your prompt reply ....they are exactly my thoughts ..............please consider the matter Closed .
I will remove the word We ! to stop any confusion .
What I'm trying to say is "Will A Roland Brand / Noel /Mathis /sound set which is actually still really a Roland original sound set but with changes made and saved ........and is in the Roland software format . Can the korg fisa actually read the Roland Software format

That is my question .
I think that at this point many of us are just guessing about the Korg’s abilities. I would humbly suggest the following:

1. The manuals are available at the Korg Fisa Suprema website. scroll down to nearly the bottom of the website where you will find the word, “Support,” Click it to select either the multi-language Quick Start document or the full manual in one of seceral languages, or both. These are all in .pdf form.

2. I know that some of us are reluctant to join social media, but at this time the best information on the Korg Fisa Suprema can be found in the Facebook group dedicated to it and administered by Greg V.. i have no relationship, commercial or otherwise with Greg, but I know his reputation as an accordionist, a tech person, and a helpful person.

3, Please bear in mind that this is a new instrument that’s sinilar to the Roland in some ways, but quire different in others. It has its own nomenclature that can be translated into ‘Roland-speak’ (my term) but with varying levels of equivalence.
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It baffles me to see how many people who think of how to modify the instrument's sound banks, even BEFORE having tried to play one! I wonder what they do when they buy an acoustic accordion, do they open it and start filing the reeds??? :oops: Some people are never happy 😑
It baffles me to see how many people who think of how to modify the instrument's sound banks, even BEFORE having tried to play one! I wonder what they do when they buy an acoustic accordion, do they open it and start filing the reeds??? :oops: Some people are never happy 😑
Well, there are occasional violin players who tune their instrument before playing even when it is comparatively new. And there is no factory reset for a violin when you happen to snap a string or the bridge when doing so.
It baffles me to see how many people who think of how to modify the instrument's sound banks, even BEFORE having tried to play one! I wonder what they do when they buy an acoustic accordion, do they open it and start filing the reeds??? :oops: Some people are never happy 😑
Doesn’t really baffle me, seems pretty normal. The ability to customize the sounds to what the user likes seems like a necessary attribute for a “modern” digital instrument. Since the ability is there, why not look forward to using it? If filing the reeds to get the exact musette sound you like over a series of reed banks were as easy as tweaking the digital sounds, yes, people would want to do it. Just sayin’
Doesn’t really baffle me, seems pretty normal. The ability to customize the sounds to what the user likes seems like a necessary attribute for a “modern” digital instrument. Since the ability is there, why not look forward to using it? If filing the reeds to get the exact musette sound you like over a series of reed banks were as easy as tweaking the digital sounds, yes, people would want to do it. Just sayin’
I agree. Some people may just want to know if there’s flexibility in the instrument because they want to tinker with sounds, but why not wait to see what it has natively?

Many years ago I caught, at random, a TV training series for firefighters. The episode dealt with forcible entry. Rule 1: Try the door. It may not be locked. (Duh!)
Many years ago I caught, at random, a TV training series for firefighters. The episode dealt with forcible entry. Rule 1: Try the door. It may not be locked. (Duh!)
Uhhmm, that would be a severely injured or dead firefighter that opened a door, either forcefully or not, without feeling the door for high temperatures BEFORE opening it.

Rule 1 should be to check the door temperature before opening it. ;)
... but I completely get where you are coming from Alan! :)

I am definitely in "wait and see" mode, never be in a rush to spend 5 (or 6?)-digits of cash!
I am hoping for a set of videos like they do with the Korg Arrangers. Showing a brief description of each part. I have been involved with Korg for decades, I would assume the FISA will come out of the box sounding good. The Roland sounds seemed a bit dated and needed more programming. The led pushbutton windows on the FISA are a great addition. Although, have similar on the Korg PA5x which shows a discolor over time on the inside. Hopefully, this has been fixed. My PA5x has been in the shop for warranty replacing all the buttons.
FISA still out of stock.
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I am one of the few shops will be stocking these where you can try one, and I will most likely have the only chromatic keyboard models. I should have them by November.
The reason that I am carrying these and have never stocked Roland is that Roland did not seem to take support very seriously and for a smaller shop that was too big of a risk. Talking to them at NAMM was a waste or time.